
Wednesday, November 16th,  2011,  Duncan Hall, 1064
4:00pm Dr. Eric Toone from ARPA-E “The Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy:   A New Paradigm in Transformational Energy Research” – Invited Seminar.
Friday, November 18th, 2011, Duncan Hall, 1070
3:00pm Prof. George McLendon – Provost,
Rice University
3:05pm Ambassador Edward Djerejian, Baker Institute, Rice University
Energy Challenges and Rice
3:20pm Prof. Vicki Colvin – Vice Provost for Research, Rice University
Workshop Structure and Output from Task Force
3:35pm Prof. Walter Chapman -Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Rice University
Lessons Learned in Rice’s Energy Programs
3:55pm Prof. Pedro Alvarez, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice University.
Introduction to the Nominal Group Technique.
4:10pm Amy Jaffe, Director, Energy Forum, Baker Institute, Rice University.
Introduction to Session 1.
4:15-5:30pm Break-out groups form to discuss best practices for fostering collaborative research in this area.
5:30pm Session 1 break-out groups continue to meet.
Working dinner (buffet)
6:30pm Session 1 break-out groups present findings in 10- to- 15 minute presentations.
8:30pm Session 1 participants have an open discussion about areas of agreement and divergences.
9:00pm Adjourn.
Saturday, November , 19th 2011
8:00am Existing areas of environmental and energy research clusters.
Session 2 break-out groups Meet.
Hot breakfast available. 
8:30am Prof. Vicki Colvin – Charge to Session 2 break-out groups: Defining the existing clusters of energy and environmental research and answer, “Why Rice?”
8:30am Prof. Vicki Colvin – Charge to Session 2 break-out groups: Defining the existing clusters of energy and environmental research and answer, “Why Rice?”
11:00am Reports from Session 2 break-out group.
12:00pm Reports continue
Lunch break.
1:00pm Prof. Pedro Alvarez – Charge to Session 3 break-out groups: Looking to the future and identifying emerging areas of research and scholarship.
1:10-3:00pm Session 3 break-out groups meet.
(Take breaks as needed).
3:00pm Reports from Session 3 break-out groups.
4:30pm Workshop participants adjourn.
4:30-6:30pm Writing group develops summary workshop slides and recommended next steps for the second workshop
5:30pm Dinner provided for the writing group
6:30pm Writing Group Adjourns